Sunday, March 30, 2008

Trap Neuter Return Podcast

I just finished a unit for my Learning Process in ILT class on podcasting. This is the final assignment I turned in. Because most of my classmates live elsewhere, I included links to help them find more information on organizations in their state; Colorado, Washington, and Tennessee (I hope I didn't leave anybody out!).

My podcast lives on a site called and you can click this link to have it open in a new window. I'm not sure how to embed it in my blog, but I'll put it on my portfolio site when I get that all worked out.
I have spent a lot of time, energy, and money dealing with a colony of about 15 feral cats in our neighborhood. I have taken 12 cats through this TNR process and the cats are totally fine. They continue to hang out and have even earned names from my husband and me.

For more information on TNR, in Colorado, click here.

In Washington, click here.

In Tennessee, click here.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I debated whether to write this post today. I'll probably still debate it internally for awhile, but here goes anyway.

Today is the anniversary of my Dad's Angel Day. It's been 5 years since my Dad left this physical world behind. It's his Angel Day because that's who he is for me now. I was always a Daddy's Girl and losing my Dad was devastating at the time. I went through a lot of personal turmoil for quite awhile and have many many friends and family to thank for helping me through that.

But today is showing my Dad's favorite weather - the sun is shining, it's warm outside (love Spring in the desert). If I played golf, I'd go play a round for him. Instead, I thought I'd share with you a piece of his favorite candy. I am absolutely indebted to Jeremy at work for creating this graphic for me to help acknowledge, and dare I say celebrate, today's anniversary. Thanks Jeremy!

A special note of gratitude to my husband for making every day sunshiney and warm, especially through the darker times.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good causes

I received an eCard from this site today and they have some really cool stuff! Check ‘em out when/if you have the time. and so far, my favorite section of the site is: