This relates to my previous blog about online courses, which you can read
I read
Part II of this report this morning and here are some thoughts I have about it ...
Fear of TechnologyIt still sort of surprises me that educators are afraid of technology. However, in this article, they talked about using pbwiki or as back-ups in case the school's site goes down. I can see that. It's nice to see that some folks realize there are other options. The whole point - to me - of online education is the flexibility. Students can learn whenever and wherever they can and want to.
Online EffectivenessThis got my attention a little bit too. Yes, the next generation of students is 24/7. And it's not just the M generation or the Y generation or any other generational label people want to attach to it. It's also for people who cannot - for whatever reason - physically get to class. Maybe the class they want to take is offered at a school across the country, or across the world. Or maybe someone is physically challenged to the point that transportation is difficult, or nearly impossible. Or maybe someone just prefers to be in the quiet of a space
they choose to be in. There's something to be said for being evaluated based on ideas and merit in this online environment versus physical appearance and presence.
I look forward to your thoughts.